We know parenting can be tough. And there are different dynamics within each family when it comes to raising children. No one really ever has all the right answers. I believe that most decent parents collectively try to bring their children up right, hoping that they will turn out more successful than previous generations.
When it comes to "Black' parenting in the US, however, it seems as though there is a weighted burden added to our individual experiences as parents that leaves many of us to feel targeted in everything, including parenting. Our strong family structure is in disarray with the consistent aid of those that claim to run the world along with the destructive propaganda from main stream sources such as music, television, and social media. This, removing our men, spouses, and fathers out of the home. Our children are in danger of the school to prison pipeline system that has hindered many of them from achieving their highest level of creative success for their adulthood. They can't pray in school anymore but we can't tell them not to teach our children about oral sex. As parents, we can't correct our children with love but the police can kill them as if they are above the law.
So here is my question(s) to you:
1. How do we as parents lawfully take back control over the well-being of our children?
2. How do we lawfully protect our children from the corruption being taught in the school systems?
3. How can we begin to rebuild and secure strong, healthy "Black" families?
4. What steps can be taken to properly educate our children about our/their history to where it remains a part of who they are throughout their lives?